What is a landing page?

A landing page is a web page that appears when a visitor clicks on a PPC ad or a search engine result link. Although it is a common misconception that the homepage of a website is similar to its landing page, it isn’t true. Every page on a website has a purpose and is a potential search engine landing page that helps with its motive of guiding and driving users and clients. A landing page should contain content that relates to the keyword search phrase. For example, searching Google for a website should bring up web landing pages that contain material relating to the keyword phrase “website.”

So are Landing pages and Web pages the same?

Landing Page: The key difference is that they are simplified and have no distractions.

Landing pages are a type of website page. As a rule, they are planned for an apparent reason, for example, a sign-up, to assemble data, or to sell an item. Standard web pages are a piece of a more prominent website. In that capacity, they have reasonable structure and route things, which means more words to see and more approaches to different places.

Web Pages:

A website often has standard links at the page and often at the side of the page for items like:

  • About
  • Services
  • Company Information
  • Blog
  • etc., ( Basically whatever links are crucial to their business)

They may have different pictures or call-outs, too, that lead to different pages of the site. It’s an incorporated gathering of pages outfitted to help the web guest going to a website and needing to discover and afterward explore to an area of different interests

When would you use a Landing Page?

  • To grow your email list by offering a resource incentive to sign-up (eBook or Video for registering, etc.)
  • With a Sweepstakes drawing where the focus is on gathering names and email addresses
  • For an Event Sign-up page where users will need to purchase to register
  • With a coupon or deal offer where users sign-up to access the offer
  • For a product offering sales page to focus on driving sales of one product

Why use a Landing Page?

Perks of using a Landing page:

  • It will help your audience to be focused on the goal, which is Entering and submitting.
  • Your website will serve a selected purpose… orientation, education, and introduction.
  • A landing page cancels out distractions and dispenses with interruptions and different choices to navigate to.
  • Your site is outfitted to fill another need for direction, training, and presentation.

What do the experts say?

According to marketing automation software Hubspot quoted in this post on TabSite

“A good landing page will target a particular audience, such as traffic from an email campaign promoting a particular ebook, or visitors who click on a pay-per-click ad promoting your webinar.

You can build landing pages that allow visitors to download your content offers (ebooks, whitepapers, webinars, etc.), or redeem other marketing offers such as free trials, demos, or coupons for your product.

Creating landing pages allows you to target your audience, offer them something of value, and convert a higher percentage of your visitors into leads, while also capturing who they are and what they’ve converted on.”

Very simply, Landing Pages are acceptable to use past your ordinary site pages when you are running a showcasing effort, deals or campaigns that are centered around one activity

What is the purpose of website landing pages?

Website landing pages can be used for a couple of purposes: pay per click/marketing campaigns, and search engine optimization. Using landing pages for pay per click and marketing campaigns can help determine a campaign’s effectiveness. For marketing purposes, you can append a URL (http://www.yourdomainname.com/ppc), making it easier to look at your site analytics and see how well your page is doing. Suppose you are advertising materials on the internet by appending a URL. In that case, you are directing visitors to a page created specifically for that advertisement, which can allow you to measure its effectiveness quickly.

Search engine optimized sites frequently contain many landing pages. The more substance a website has, the higher its odds are to appear in the web crawlers. Additional landing pages likewise imply more catchphrase express roads. A site can be found under. Landing pages are an incredible method to build the number of site guests and your search engine ranking.

Not sure what your Landing page should look like? Well here’s a small guide that’ll help you figure out;

Keep Your Navigation Simple

Suppose a user lands on your profile by accident or on purpose. In that case, there’s one thing you should remember, keep your landing page as straightforward as could reasonably be expected, with the most significant content set “above the fold,” for example, the content quickly noticeable on the screen before looking down. Expel any data, pictures, and connections not relevant to the offer.

Make your landing profile attractive

Color design is significant in enhancing your landing page. Science discloses that good color selections and themes evoke feelings that can bring about negative or positive emotions.

Recent research states that it takes a minor 90 seconds for a client to shape a conclusion about an item. What’s more, 62–90% of that communication is determined by the colors and themes of the website selling it.

Choose Typography Carefully

Typography is made up of elements such as font type and size, kerning (white space between individual characters or letters), and tracking and spacing. It is essential when it comes to making your content more understandable to the reader. The better you formulate your page, the more clients will be satisfied with it.

Make Compelling content for the reader to know more about you.

Who are you? What do you do? What makes you different? Convey your messages and brand strategy without any confusion and complexes rapidly through new, clean language that people of any age group can understand. Make the advantages that your website has to offer straightforward — list the particular benefits an individual will get from downloading your asset or signing up to your offer. Make sure to make impressive features.

An extraordinary landing page feature summarizes the main offer plainly so that the guest viewing may be interested to know more, by including more helping words — words that cause the peruser to identify with a feeling or potentially trigger activity — you can build the opportunity your crowd will navigate to peruse your duplicate. Experiment with your headline and the wording on your landing page to see which words generate the most sign-ups.

Make Scannable Copy

Most online readers that land on your website check and scan site content, so make your copy exceptionally readable by utilizing bullet points, headings, separate pieces of text, and shifting the text dimension to separate between the more and less significant components of your page.

SEO is the core for all

Get your landing page found by search engines by optimizing it for SEO (this familiar acronym stands for Search Engine Optimization). The known magic that SEO has is that it increases the chance that your landing page appears prominently on a search engine results page (SERP) by using relevant keywords in the page’s URL (web address), headlines and throughout the text.

Mobile Viewing

Mobile traffic or Portable traffic presently represents 69 percent of online activity, and a responsive plan is one of the primary positioning Google positioning variables. Google says 61 percent of users are probably not going to come back to a mobile site. They experienced difficulty getting to with 40 percent visiting a contender’s site. Your greeting page should look and feel incredible on cell phones – simple to explore, quick stacking, and ultra interactive. On the off chance that you need to get familiar with making your presentation page portable prepared, look at our manual for making versatile well-disposed sites. If you haven’t implemented a mobile-first strategy yet, make it a top priority in the coming year.

Pictures speak louder than words.

Images are better at expressing, and they make your landing page all the more outwardly engaging. It’s enticing to utilize stock pictures; however, it’s all the more impressive if you show your face, or your group’s or client’s grinning face and let the audience know what you feel or think about a subject. Most contextual analyses demonstrate that photographs of genuine individuals improve change rates (regularly by up to half) overstock or model pictures. This is likely because we have an elevated level of compassion and trust for “individuals like us.”

Why not a Video?

If a picture speaks a thousand words, then how many words could a video chat? A video included with your content helps let the people know the brand through their word of mouth.

One should increase the “know, like, trust” factor by adding a video to your greeting page. A video can assist you with bettering the interface with watchers and teaching them the advantages of your item or administration.

Show Trust Symbols

Set up credibility by showing trust symbols like honors and awards or other accomplishments and credits to your site or brand. If you’ve worked with any driving brands, add their logos to your page.

Contact data

Increase trust by letting people know more, plainly showing the name of your organization or business and your contact subtleties, including a Google guide of your area (so Google can think that it’s all the more effectively) and connections to your informal communities.

Incorporate Social Share Buttons

Google “enjoys” an exceptionally shared page so make your social offer fastens profoundly apparent on your landing page and urge individuals to share your substance.

Improve Your Opt-In Form

The most essential piece of your landing page is the lead catch or opt-in form — the structure where guests present their data in return for the offer.

Image source: Crazy Egg

A/B Test Your Page

A/B testing is an approach to analyze two adaptations of a single variable, typically by testing a subject’s reaction to variation A against variation B. This helps Figuring out which of the two variations is more compelling. Ensure your landing page manager permits you to A/B test your page. You can improve every component and guarantee you’re getting the change rate you’re searching for.

Be a Minimalist

Make sure to keep up a spotless page with the obvious, regular route and no interruptions (for example, pop-ups). A decent landing page gives all the fundamental data expected to urge guests to change over, yet nothing extra. An excess of data can overpower guests, so keep it straightforward and give the necessary data that will manage guests down the pipe. The information you put upfront ought to be adequately readable – an excellent presentation page duplicate uses visual cues to clarify subtleties whenever possible.

Consider what key data should appear over the crease inside the guests’ direct line of vision, and what can be put away to different ages. Most guests usually realize that they can look down for more data, so don’t hesitate to include more careful depictions down where they will be cautiously covered up. Consider highlighting your offer’s critical points with text and using a free, clickable video to explain the details.

Give Your Offers a Place to Live

Marketing offers and landing pages go connected at the hip. Simply recall our work of art business model. Without being gated behind landing pages, your suggestions will do nothing to support your lead generation efforts. The thought is to require your site guests to ‘pay’ you in contact data for something significant like an offer, and your landing page is the assortments tools.

Provide Fuel for Other Marketing Channels

An effective inbound advertising system depends on content – and heaps of it. Landing pages are an incredible expansion to any marketer’s content arsenal since they can be shared on social, and utilized as the focal point of committed emails and in lead supporting efforts. They can also be connected to in PPC promotions and get found in organic search.

Trust Signals

Landing pages are like greeting pages that utilize trust signals, which show guests that their offer and brand are dependable. Trust signs can take various structures – tributes are an exemplary type of trust signal, exploiting informal exchange to console guests with support from past customers or clients. This can also be done with “Like” counters, which push a subtler form of endorsement through “Likes” and +1s from various social media sites.

Offer Insights Into the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Offers

Each time you make a landing page, you’re making another information resource for your marketing program. By following and dissecting the measurements related to your landing pages, you can gather a great deal of knowledge into your showcasing execution. For example, how your different promoting offers look at, how guests and leads are changing over on your landing pages after some time, and more. This gives you a fantastic understanding that can assist you with advancing and improving your marketing.


Like some other inbound marketing content, keywords should be utilized in the page title, headers, and text on a landing page to upgrade it for web search engines.


The last sign of a decent presentation page is trying. A viable landing page primarily can’t be made without a careful measure of testing. Testing and the following outcomes are necessary for seeing what your greeting page is doing well, and what it is fouling up. Test, test, and test some more!