“Twitter is not a technology. It’s a conversation. And it’s happening with or without you.” ― Charlene Li, author, and analyst at Altimeter
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a ‘microblogging’ framework that permits you to send, receive and read short posts called tweets. Tweets can be up to 280 characters in length that is the core reason why it is labelled as microblogging. Twitter users follow different users. You can decide to support individuals and associations (Companies, brands or organizations) with related educational and individual interest related content for you. You can make your tweets, or you can retweet data that has been tweeted by others. Retweeting implies that data can be shared rapidly and effectively with an enormous number of individuals.

“All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.” ―Don Tapscott, author and business executive
Twitter has gotten progressively famous with scholastics just as understudies, policymakers, lawmakers and the overall population. Numerous users attempted to understand what Twitter is and how they could utilize it, yet it has now become the web-based social networking foundation of decision for some. The smart idea of tweets implies that Twitter is generally used by cell phone clients who would prefer not to read extended substance things on-screen.
Twitter allows you to:
- It helps you to promote your research and thoughts, employing giving them connections to your blogs, stories, articles and other news items
- It’s a hub for countless individuals who can reach each other through tweets and retweets.
- It is a great platform to follow and contact crafted specialists in your field and others.
- Twitter builds your connections with people around the world.
- Twitter is famous for always being the first for breaking the news. It keeps up with the latest & the most recent news, with easy sharing options.
- It allows you to contact new & relevant audiences.
- Seek feedback about your work and give feedback to others.
- Follow and discuss into conversations on occasions, for instance, gatherings that you can’t go to face to face.
- Express who you are as an individual through this perfect platform of expressions.

What are Twitter terminologies?
- # (Hashtag): A hashtag is used to index words or phrases on Twitter. It works as a search engine on twitter to carry out several searches; when you click on a hashtag, Twitter automatically searches for other Tweets with the hashtag. This tag makes it easy for people to follow topics and events.
- Bookmarks: This button allows you to save tweets you want to look at later. This feature is particularly helpful if you’re going to read an article or watch a video but don’t have time at the current moment.
- @: Like other social media websites; Facebook or Instagram, the @-symbol is used to tag or mention other users.
- Block: You can block other accounts on Twitter. If you block an account, they can’t follow you, add you to Twitter lists or see your tweets. You also won’t see their tweets.
- Direct messages (DM): You’ll frequently hear individuals coordinate direct messages as DMs. This alternative permits you to contact somebody exclusively privately. On the off chance that a user has an inquiry, they can ask you through a DM. There is no character limit on DMs, so as a business or individual you can react to utilizing the same number of characters as you need. In any case, if somebody you don’t follow messages you, their message will appear in the “requests” organizer. You can change this in your settings.
- Follow: When you follow an account, you’re subscribing to them. Once you follow someone, you’ll see their tweets in your timeline.
- Followers: Twitter users who follow you and understand your tweets in their schedule.
- Trending topics: You can see current trending topics on your Twitter home page in the trends box on the left-hand side.
- Home timeline: Your timeline displays the tweets and retweets of the people you follow as well as promoted tweets.
- Like: You can like a tweet by clicking the heart symbol under the tweet. All of your likes can be found on your profile.
- Lists: You can make public and private lists of other users you find interesting. With files, you don’t have to follow the users you include. Lists can help you organize your following list. For example, you may make a list of local news outlets or NYC writers, your competitors, influencers in your industry or valuable customers.
- Retweet: Retweeting is similar to sharing someone’s post on Facebook. If you like a tweet and want your followers to see it, you retweet it. Then, the tweet shows up on your followers’ timelines and your profile.
- Trends: Trends are a topic or hashtag that is popular on Twitter. You can tailor trends to reflect what’s popular in your location or who you follow.

“There’s more value in messages shared publicly because more opportunities arise. A kind of social alchemy takes place when a seemingly valueless message finds its way to someone for whom it strikes a chord.” ― Nick Douglas, Roommate from Hell podcast creator
How to Use Twitter to Grow Your Business, Traffic and Sales
Social media is the right track to promote
In the modern world, we live in today. Social media is the hub of all connections, awareness and possible promotions. The impact of this social media platform is so much that now no one can deny the importance of social media in today’s society. Now, we have a platform like this which is used by the entire world around us which are 2 billion of the 7 billion people in the world, why not use it for publicity of brands and services? Can you risk ignoring it in your business? No, you can’t. A prominent social media presence will do wonders for your business. And these days the leading site for social expression is ‘Twitter’.

Implement Twitter Cards:
As a person, who’s trying to use twitter in the most effective way possible; You would want each tweet you create or send to stand out. Fortunately, this could now be possible as Twitter has recently introduced Twitter cards which are an incredible method for you to reach out, express and make content unique. You can set up your site to ensure that when individuals share your posts, the picture appears in the tweets they send.
“Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.” ― Matt Goulart, digital marketing executive
Make more Twitter Followers
If your Twitter followers are engaged and well-targeted, increasing their number can benefit your business. You see, just like any other social media platform what’s most important is the number of people who are influenced by you and would like to know more about what you think and what you promote. To promote a product, idea or service on Twitter, you need to have enough followers to support it, or you should develop it through someone who does.
Another way could be to select keywords to target. As your follower numbers increases, you’ll also get more engagement and clicks through to your website.

Identify Influencers and Engage with Them
At the point when you draw in with influencers – you’re taking the chance to acquire followers, more significant commitment and more traffic to your site. On the off chance that someone is an influencer in your field, they as of now have the crowd you need! So fabricating extraordinary connections can deliver profits. You will see an interface like a few models use the keywords like ‘Content’ Twitter users are likely arranged by their follower numbers as that makes them more and less famous. You can utilize the controls on the left of the screen to limit your inquiry down. It makes easy work of identifying the critical people on Twitter you might have missed.

Use Twitter Ads to Target Your Email List
Your email list is made up of people who have chosen to hear more from you, so they are great people to target with your ads. They have already shown you that they’re interested! Twitter will match those email addresses with registered users and target them when you have something to promote. This is another excellent way to use Twitter to grow your business.
Engage and listen to the audiences
As we know that being a big company or business is a huge responsibility and with this responsibility comes the burden of pleasing the audience at all times, which of course is challenging. But here’s a way to please the audience and also improve your following. Keep your company open to criticism and suggestions at all times without regret. Engage with your audience to gain their trust and be available to assist them for any query or suggestion. This concern is how your brand gains the confidence of the audience, which eventually generates potential customers.
Use the Right Hashtags
Did you realize that tweets containing 1 or 2 hashtags have 21% higher commitment than those with at least 3? It tends to be exciting to crush each hashtag you can consider into a tweet to stand out; however, it appears that it is a downright terrible thought! This implies you must be cautious and thin down your hashtag decision to 1 or 2 for each tweet. If you don’t utilize any hashtags, possibly this is an ideal opportunity to begin. They are incredible for permeability and getting your tweets before more individuals.

Keep Up With Trends
Are you fully informed regarding the most recent goings-on the planet? Shouldn’t something be said about your industry? On the off chance that not, at that point, use Twitter to remain current. The most effortless approach to do this is through hashtags. Hashtags are short keywords or expressions. Tweeters use to check a subject if you keep tabs on recent hashtags you’re in safe hands for the latest news.
What we need to understand is that we don’t use Twitter solely to gain or maintain new clients. Twitter is also a useful vehicle for connecting with power partners. Twitter helps you reach connections as well as helps you advertise. Twitter will not just help you to get in touch with people there, but the recognition it helps you build could, later on, help you build worldly connections with people and brands outside.
Increase Brand Awareness
You’ve got a brand? Does no one know about it? Make it mainstream and spread awareness about it through advertising skills, hashtags, influencers and exciting content. When you do all these means of promoting where will you upload it? Twitter, of course!
If you made it this far, then we’re sure you’re ready to experiment, create, utilize and express through twitter for your Brand to help it grow and facilitate for a cause to make the most of the raw users it provides worldwide.