The offer is fully packed with winning Formulas & strategies. The proven strategies will help in saving hundred & thousand of dollars. The ads perform at optimal when all the layers of Facebook ads are in same direction. The designed training will assist students & advertisers to find the right ad direction.
This offer will teach you the wining formula of Facebook ads. Campaign performs at optimal when all the combinations (layers) are utilized smartly. Craking the wining formula is the hardest part? Guess what, now you can crack the formula from an industry pro; who have a experience of spending over $1 Million on ads. Now you don’t need to fail because this offer will help you in avoiding all the mistakes; that leads to poor performing campaigns.
This section will cover that how advertisers can get the most out core, LLA & custom audience options. The best & wining practice for selecting these audience will be shared with practical examples.
The section will cover the importance of Placement options. Advertisers will learn when automatic placement should be utilized & when manual placement performs the best. The placement lectures will be explained with campaign examples.
Find the wining ad & utilizing the winner for maximum value is one of the toughest job for an advertiser. You will learn that how the wining ad is identified & how you can use the winner for grabing the maximum value. All the strategies & proven wining formulas will be shared with the help of Practical Campaign demostration.
Anyone can run an ad on Facebook? Yes. That’s right. But running an ad that meets campaign/business objectives consistently is the hard part. This offer will cover all the advanced options that are essential for a successful & consistent ad.
This offer covers all the strategies & winning tips and tricks, which I have learned after spending over a million dollars on Facebook ads; in the last 8 years.
I will teach you my personal winning Formulas for running successful & consistent Campaigns; with a result oriented approach.
This offer is full packed with practical executions that will help advertisers in saving hundreds & thousand of dollars by avoiding basic mistakes.
The Audience course covers all the three types of Audience with practical examples. Advertisers will learn the winning strategy for each audience option. A classic $27,000 case study will be shared to connect students/advertisers with the importance of every audience option.
A detailed guide regarding Interest, Behavior and demographic options for core audience with proven strategy will be discussed. The core audience lecture will be backed by a $19,000 case study.
Custom audience importance with examples will be covered in this offer. Major focus will be on the Website Custom Conversion audience. Lessons will cover how website & Event based audiences can be utilized for remarketing & creation of LLA audience. I will share a $20,000 campaign example; to discuss how advertisers can create a multiplier effect from Custom & LLA audiences. Best & proven strategies for remarketing campaigns will be covered. This offer also covers how the instructor uses core audience for creating custom & LLA audience to grab maximum website purchase.
Instagram will turn 10 this year & it is without a doubt clear to say, that person to person communication application has changed numerous lives during its reality. The visual-driven stage that started as a photograph posting application has developed into a source of income for creators and a new sales channel for businesses. Many of us know how to use this app, but now is the time to explore, how to use this platform for the best interest of business. This course is ideal for people who want to learn more about Instagram and how to utilize it as a marketing tool, and the best thing about this course is that it is ideal for beginners’ Instagramers as well as for advanced students that have some experience with the platform. This course is ideal for people who want to learn more about Instagram and how to utilize it as a marketing tool, and the best thing about this course is that it is ideal for beginners’ Instagramers as well as for advanced students that have some experience with the platform.
Instagram users invest nearly as much energy in the stage as Facebook clients. They utilize the app for almost 53 minutes out of each day versus Facebook’s 58 minutes out of every day. The time comparison clearly indicates the strong presence of Instagrammers on the platforms, which creates a huge opportunity for the brands & companies to get optimal results.
“T.S. Eliot once said ,“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
I believe that It’s very easy to be different but very difficult to be better.
Master The Art Of Business Development And Planning course by Escils allowed me to understand how every component of the business works hand by hand!
#customer #business #businessdevelopement #planning # #marketing”
Experienced Entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in the field of Digital Marketing & Advertising. Worked with over 50+ Multinationals, Brands, Companies & Business Partners with a common goal i.e “WINNING”.
Faisal has an experience of spending over $1 Million in the past 8 years on different digital Marketing mediums with an objective oriented approach. Experience of working with different industries like; Fast Food, Expensive Handbags, Mobile Phones, Cars, Elearning, News, Apparel, Real estate, Ecommerce, NGO’s & others.
Now transferring years of Digital Media Knowledge to Worldwide students through online training sessions. Mainly focused on Facebook ads training & Viral Content Strategy for digital experts, small & big business owners.
Escils is working towards providing quality education around the globe at affordable prices. Escils has helped millions of learner and business to achieve meaningful and lasting career success and growth.
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