If you are a content writer, you probably know that good content is one that is read till the end. But with countless articles and blog posts on the web, how do you make one that catches that much attention. Well, The answer to that is to write quality content with some personality.
Put yourselves in the shoes of your reader for a minute. Think about the elements that grab your attention. These things compel you to keep reading and remind you of that very blog every time you read an article and have you come back there. Note these things, and there you will see the beginnings of your plan to create quality content in front of you.
Here is a list of factors that might help
Nail The Intro
Win the hearts of your readers in the intro with the ‘First impression is last impression motto’. Write appealing lines, mind-boggling questions or search for some good relevant quotes in your introduction. Hooked by the intro, your audience will be left with no choice but to scroll down to click read more.
Simple and beautiful language
When you are reading a blog post, you are usually in the middle of learning one thing and might feel annoyed when a complicated word is placed in a significant sentence. I mean, who likes opening second tabs just to google a word that you yourself will probably never use. It literally breaks your tempo. Repeated use of such complicated terms will only scar your repo and result in losing your readers.
The use of simple language will eradicate this threat. An additional tip is to make use of figurative language to make your readers fall in love with your blog—elements like metaphors. Phrases and similes will not only increase reader engagement but deliver your point to your target audience more effectively.
Add a Bit of Humor Here and There
Keep in mind to use this tip carefully. You want to add humour but in proportions where it stays relevant. You don’t want your content to give off non-serious vibes. Just a bit of light-hearted comedy sprinkled here, and there is enough to bring a smile to your audience and drive engagement to the skies.
Share Your Views
While giving information, make sure to add your views and always have an opinion on your writing subject. The audience always gives the writer’s opinion priority. A reasonable opinion can benefit sales, where a bad one can almost destroy it. When giving stats about a particular subject, write down your reactions too. Something simple like “This is crazy!” or “Now that’s a disappointment!” for good and bad, respectively, will give your readers a sense of connection with you and your blog.
Share an Example
When writing about potential merits and demerits, provide your readers with an example to further prove your point and increase the chances of negotiation. We as humans believe in things more when we see people speaking from experience. It’s something that has been instilled in our brains since a young age. So experience overstudies should be the motto. Hence the next time you write lengthy paragraphs filled with merits that your audience won’t probably even read, add some real-life experience of yours or someone you know regarding that product or service.
Ask Questions
Have your readers turn the cogs in their brains by asking rhetorical questions. Explain to them a fact, and its extreme usefulness, then ask them whether they think so or not. This strategy will deliver your point across in a way that will have them either agreeing to it then and there or scrolling down for more information. Either way, you win.
Be positive but don’t sugarcoat.
To add more personality, construct your content in a positive light but don’t overdo it. Be honest, show positive affirmations but don’t deliberately add sugar where it isn’t needed. Some things suck, and making them look good will give your blog an unrealistic feel, driving readers looking for honest information off the exit page.
Make Use of Emotions to Drive Engagement.
Author of the book ‘Contagious, Jonah Berger analysed around 7000 articles from The New York Times and concluded that in terms of virality, stories that have ‘good news’ were shared more than stories that have ‘bad news’. This effect is due to people generally straying away from negative things to keep them happy in their already sad lives.
One surprising thing Jonah discovered was that stories arousing strong emotional responses would also become the object of high sharing, even if the emotions they caused were anger or frustration.
Hence consider using emotionally packed words and set your tone accordingly.
Introduce Fun Facts
Are you writing for a topic that is generally considered to be boring? Is the writing itself boring you to your very core, and has you wondering on how on earth will people read it if you can’t? Consider adding fun facts relevant to the topic or its subtopics too. For example, if you write about a computer program, tell an interesting fact about how it came about. While giving details about a particularly dull product, write something interesting about the elements it is made up of, where they come from, or the initial purpose of the creation when making it?
These annotations will urge your audience to read more and develop your reputation as a skilled writer.
Address your audience
Opt for an audience-friendly and interactive tone to elicit engagement and a sense of connection between you and your readers. Remember, they will be compelled to read your article to the final stop if they feel like they are being talked to. Directly. The impact of your words will also increase tenfold.
A Memorable End
Write a mesmerising and catchy conclusion that summarises your content in the most straightforward manner. You can end with a Call To Action sort of a question to drive your audience to action. Lines of motivation will work here too. Write them in a heartfelt manner to let your audience know you care for them, like,’ We know it’s hard, but who said it’s impossible?’ Or ‘Let’s go and kill it!’
As already stated above, the best way to add personality to your work is by adding elements that you admire in blogs. Your observation will always be fresh and more unique than any advice you may find online. With that being said, the above-given tips are the fundamentals of quality content. Check them yourself if you don’t believe us. Instilling them will promise nothing but reader engagement and action. Now that you are familiar with them, it’s time you go on and win this game your way. Off you go, champ!